Web-based Application

The web-based Weatherization Assistant (WAweb) gives users access to the suite of Weatherization Assistant tools (NEAT, MHEA, MulTEA, and H&S Tool) through a restricted-access website.

Use of WAweb is usually coordinated with the state staff administering the US Department of Energy Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). The production version of WAweb is available to WAP implementers through the state/regional WAP grantee. Uses of WAweb outside of the Weatherization Assistance Program may be limited.

A public version is generally available on request for testing, practice, and training. This public version is not approved for use in the WAP or other programs. Personal resident information is not allowed within the public version. The WAweb administrators may remove users and/or revoke access at any time. The WAweb administrators also will periodically purge data from the public version, so users should have no expectation of data longevity, data maintenance, or data security.

To request access:

Please see Manuals and Training Material for WAweb guidance documents and training materials.