Weatherization Assistant Updates
- May 2024: Web-based WeatherizationAssistant Gettering Started Guide (Version 2) – latest version of the WAweb Getting Started Guide with added details for new users and updated items throughout. Covers all (4) tools available in WAweb – National Energy Audit Tool (NEAT), Manufactured Housing Energy Audit (MHEA), Multifamily Tool for Energy Audits (MulTEA), and the Health and Safety Audit Tool (H&S Tool).
- October 2023: Modified Fuel Price Indices calculator released for calculating regional and national modified fuel price indices accounting for Social Cost of Carbon values (published in WPN 22-10) in accordance with “Option 2” for Weatherization Assistant Version 8 (WAv8), Weatherization Assistant web-based (WAweb), and/or other WAP software using Energy Price Indices from 2023 Annual Supplement to NIST Handbook 135. Calculator may also be used to generate adjusted WAv8 25-year indices that account for up to 30-yr measure lifetime.
- February 2023: Framework for Incorporating Social Cost of Carbon (ORNL/TM-2022/2774) was published and details the implementation of the social cost of carbon into WAP cost-effectiveness calculations.
- January 2023: Materials for Training Development for Weatherization Assistant Version 8.9 to Version 10 User Conversion made available to DOE WAP Training Providers.
- September 2022: The Web-based Weatherization Assistant (WAv10) is available to DOE WAP Grantees for testing and conversion planning. Public Testing Site ( available to users upon request.
- March 2019: The Web-based Weatherization Assistant Getting Started Guideline was updated in March 2019 to reflect minor changes that have been made to the web-based application since the previous version of the guideline was written in June 2017.
- January 2019: The Health and Safety Audit was revised in 2018 to reflect new guidance provided by the DOE Weatherization Assistance Program in Weatherization Program Notice 17-7: Weatherization Health and Safety Guidance. This revision was released in January 2019 along with an updated Health and Safety Audit Design Manual that reflects the changes made.