Evaluation Overview

DOE sponsored two major national evaluations of the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). These were multiyear, peer-reviewed, statistically robust efforts led by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The Retrospective Evaluation covered Program Year (PY) 2008 and is reflective of a typical year in WAP operations. The Recovery Act Evaluation covered Program Year 2010 and provides insights into the unique Program that was administered by DOE in the national effort to create jobs and promote economic recovery as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA).

The Retrospective Evaluation was performed to provide information on the costs and benefits of WAP services in different parts of the country and for different types of housing. It was also performed to provide a comprehensive picture of the Program (including the characteristics of the clients, housing stock, and service providers) and assess program administration.

The Retrospective Evaluation found that the Program is effective, competent, and mission oriented. Specifically, the Program was found to provide cost-effective energy savings to American families, provide additional health and safety benefits, support jobs, and offer a stable platform for additional investment in energy efficiency. A Summary of Results is available that highlights the impact findings for both the Retrospective Evaluation and the Recovery Act Evaluation.

A total of 21 reports document the overall Retrospective Evaluation. An evaluation plan (ORNL/CON-498) was developed at the beginning of the project to help plan and implement the effort, which led to the development of 10 OMB approved surveys and data forms. Nineteen reports document the various studies that comprised the evaluation. A summary of the evaluation (ORNL/TM-2014/338) was also written at the conclusion of the study.


We want to thank the many people who helped make this evaluation possible, including: the Grantees and Subgrantees that completed surveys and collaborated in various special studies; the utility companies that provided billing histories; the weatherization staff, weatherization recipients, and training centers that also completed surveys; and the Subgrantee staff and weatherization recipients who contributed their time and thoughts to our case studies. We also wish to thank our panels of external expert reviewers who provided input into the design of the evaluation and comments on the products of this evaluation.

Project Team

ORNL led the evaluation and was joined by a team of independent evaluators, led by APPRISE, the Energy Center of Wisconsin, Dalhoff & Associates, and Blasnik & Associates.

OMB Forms

Final Reports

  1. Weatherization Works – Summary of Findings from the Retrospective Evaluation of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Weatherization Assistance Program (ORNL/TM-2014/338)
  2. National Weatherization Assistance Program Characterization – Describing the Pre-ARRA Program (ORNL/TM-2013/188)
  3. National Weatherization Assistance Program Impact Evaluation – Energy Impacts for Mobile Homes (ORNL/TM-2014/84)
  4. Macro-Economic Impacts of the Weatherization Assistance Program for Program Year 2008 (ORNL/TM-2014/98)
  5. Weatherization and Indoor Air Quality: Measured Impacts in Single-Family Homes under the Weatherization Assistance Program (ORNL/TM-2014/170)
  6. National Weatherization Assistance Program Process Field Study: Findings from Observations and Interviews at 19 Local Agencies Across the Country (ORNL/TM-2014/304)
  7. Findings from Survey Administered to Trainees of Weatherization Training Centers (ORNL/TM-2014/306)
  8. National Weatherization Assistance Program Impact Evaluation: A Field Investigation of Apparent Low and High Savers (ORNL/TM-2014/308)
  9. National Weatherization Assistance Program Evaluation: Eligible Population Report (ORNL/TM-2014/312)
  10. Weatherization Beyond the Numbers: Case Studies of Fifteen High-Performing Weatherization Agencies – Conducted May 2011 through July 2012 (ORNL/TM-2014/317)
  11. National Weatherization Assistance Program Impact Evaluation: Weatherization Staff Survey (ORNL/TM-2014/323)
  12. National Weatherization Assistance Program Impact Evaluation: Energy Impacts for Small Multifamily Buildings (ORNL/TM-2014/325)
  13. National Weatherization Assistance Program Impact Evaluation: Energy Impacts for Large Multifamily Buildings (ORNL/TM-2014/332)
  14. National Weatherization Assistance Program Impact Evaluation – Client Satisfaction Survey: WAP Service Delivery from the Client’s Perspective (ORNL/TM-2014/335)
  15. Health and Household-Related Benefits Attributable to the Weatherization Assistance Program (ORNL/TM-2014/345)
  16. National Weatherization Assistance Program Impact Evaluation: Impact of Exhaust-Only Ventilation on Radon and Indoor Humidity – A Field Investigation (ORNL/TM-2014/367)
  17. National Weatherization Assistance Program Impact Evaluation: Energy Impacts for Single Family Homes (ORNL/TM-2015/13)
  18. Personal Insights and Anecdotes about the Weatherization Assistance Program Process Field Study (ORNL/TM-2015/21)
  19. National Weatherization Assistance Program Impact Evaluation – Baseline Occupant Survey: Assessment of Client Status and Needs (ORNL/TM-2015/22)
  20. Environmental Emissions Nonenergy Benefits: Working Paper (ORNL/TM-2015/126)
  21. National Evaluation of the Department of Energy’s Weatherization Assistant Program: Preliminary Evaluation Plan for Program Year 2006 (ORNL/CON-498)